Thursday, August 27, 2009

August 26 - AM, Louisville, KY

Thank you to our friends Elaine and Mike Nantz at Systems Design Inc. and their Associates for providing the perfectly orchestrated event in their showroom to feature the launch the Generation chair in the Louisville market. Please call them at (502) 566-3000 for more information.

RJE Cincinnati

August 25 - PM, RJE Cincinnati

As Denny Sponsel, President and Brad Wuerch, V.P. of Sales at RJE
Business Interiors (headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana) work to transition the business in Cincinnati from Contract Interiors to RJE they worked with Chris Keller, Knoll Representative and the talented team in Cincinnati to provide a terrific venue for the launch of the Generation chair in the market. Please call our friends in Cincinnati at (513) 641-3700.

August 25 - PM, King's Island

On the fringe of a lot of fun at King's Island. A behind the scenes shot reveals the careful planning and set up for the perfect photo op at each landmark.